boa3.builtin package

env: str

Gets the compiled environment. This allows specific environment validations to be easily included in the smart contract logic without the need to rewrite anything before compiling (i.e. changes in smart contracts hashes between testnet and mainnet).

>>> # compiling with 'neo3-boa compile -e test_net ./path/to/'
... from boa3.builtin.interop.contract import call_contract
... from boa3.builtin.type import UInt160
... call_contract(UInt160(b'12345678901234567890') if env == 'test_net' else b'abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde',
...               'balanceOf',
...               UInt160(b'zyxwvzyxwvzyxwvzyxwv'))
>>> # compiling with 'neo3-boa compile -e main_net ./path/to/'
... from boa3.builtin.interop.contract import call_contract
... from boa3.builtin.type import UInt160
... call_contract(UInt160(b'12345678901234567890') if env == 'test_net' else b'abcdeabcdeabcdeabcde',
...               'balanceOf',
...               UInt160(b'zyxwvzyxwvzyxwvzyxwv'))
