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The settings module is exposed as:

import Neon, { settings } from "@cityofzion/neon-js";

// Semantic access
const newNet = new Neon.rpc.Network({ name: "NewNet" });;

// Direct access

This module contains all the adjustable settings available in the package. This module can be augmented by plugins to include their own respective settings. Thus, this list is not exhaustive and only represent the settings available in the core package.


{[network:string]: Network}

This contains all the networks avaiable for use in neon-js. The default networks included are MainNet, TestNet and CozNet.


{[category: string]: number}

This contains the timeouts set for the different network categories. There are currently 2 categories available: ping and rpc.


(assetBalance: AssetBalance, requiredAmt: Fixed8) => Coin[]

The default strategy to use when calculating the inputs used. You can find the different strategies available at tx.calculationStrategy. The default setting is balancedApproach which naively tries to find a good mix of inputs.